4× 4 Apartments Mind Game - 48

Apartment intelligence game is a very enjoyable sudoku variant game.. The original name of the game is Skyscrapers.

The numbers written inside the table show the height of the buildings.. The numbers written on the outside of the table indicate how many apartments are seen when viewed from that direction.. In every row and column 1,2,3 and 4 There is one of each storey apartment. The puzzle can be solved with the clues given outside of this rule and the table.. Considering the attention-enhancing feature of the game and its fun, a large number of this work will be prepared and shared with you..

Not:All clues are given in the studies prepared.. In the literature review, it has been seen that this use is also common and therefore the studies have been prepared this way.. Tips given in subsequent studies can be reduced.

4×4 Apartment Brain Teaser Easy Level -48

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